Thursday, April 23, 2015

Flats just got exciting

Been sick all week and am officially hating it. It always starts out great (well asided from the fact that your  body is basically revolting against you) you miss some school and get time to yourself, but then the boredom kicks in. I have decided not to dwell on my boredom and my neverending coughing fits, but to dwell on the fact that spring has finally and i do mean finally arrived.

One of my favorite shoes for spring time has to be flats. Now I know its a little impractical considering the whole "spring showers" thing but hey, we have to make sacrifises for style. And this is one I love. I am used to the old classic and basic style of flats but this year stores have stepped up their game. And I gotta say I am very impressed. I mean look at these shoes:

I don't know if is the pointed element or what but I am head over heels (or flats??) for these this year. What do you think? Any other particular style you are loving this spring season?



  1. Love all you lovelies who continue to read my blog so thank you because you all matter

  2. Flats are my best friend now!! Been purchasing them like crazy! Love the white ones.

    1. The white ones are super cute:) Thanks for the comment and P.S. your blog is amazing!


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