Tuesday, January 6, 2015

I'm in love

I have fell in love. Its official I am in love with this amazing new Chanel bag. Now as a high school student making an income that consists of only minimum wage, I don't see this amazing creation coming into my life anytime soon. I did however, find some alternatives. Now I of course could have gone on just about any city corner and get a knock off or fake Chanel, but I didn't want that. I would rather a similar style bag not meant to be seen by the public eye as an authentic Chanel, but almost as a placemark.

chanel boy bag

Chanel handbag / Black leather handbag / White bag / Akira black shoulder bag

Let me know if you like this kind of post and I would love if it you sent me some amazing products you ddesperatelylove but may not fit in your budget, and I will be sure to give you amazing alternatives.

PS. If you lovelies like this post share it and be sure to pin it on pinterest. And do you have any idea what I can call these posts??



  1. i like these kinda posts u should also really start vlogging or posting more stuff with u in it bc u are pretty:)

    1. Im glad you like them be sure to email me if you have particular item for the next one. And thanks so much you made my day:)


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