Summer is amazing, don't get me wrong but there comes a point around late July where it feels like I am wearing the same thing over and over again. I hate that feeling. I usually head over to pinterest to get some sort of inspiration. I was doing this a few days ago and came across this beauty- Camille Rowe. I had no idea what she did or who she was but her style was amazing. I may start doing a monthly style crush and even try to get more in depth with who the person is, not sure yet but let me know in the comments. I love her personal style of course but what really made me want to write about her is that she is a 5'7 model(p.s. this is considered short in the modeling world). I am almost 5'7 (on a really really good day..) and have pretty much always thought of modeling up until my freshman year because I realized I wasn't freakishly tall anymore, but girls like her give me hope. So please everyone pray to the height gods so I can get that half an inch and be 5'7 finally.
photos via instagram + pinterest
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